Bollywood Badshah Shahrukh Khan and renowned actress Bipasha Basu, Business tycoon and Chairman of ADAG (Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group) Anil Ambani were among the top celebrities who energize the already enthusiast Delhiites to run for the unity, integrity and social equality of the country.
Central Sports Minister Ajay Makan, Chief Minister of Delhi Sheila Dikshit, and Actor Rajiv Khandelwal boosted the participants by greeting the participants from the stage.
Actor Rahul Bose and Gul Panag not only boost the Delhiites to run for the country but also they themselves run in 'Airtel Delhi Half Marathon 2011'. Rahul and Panag were among the consistent participants who run for Delhi and Mumbai Half Marathon since last two years.
When Shahrukh and Bipasha flagged off to 8,368 participants for 21.097 k.m. long Delhi Half Marathon, the entire audience as well as participants merrily chirped and ran with double passion.
The Great Delhi run was the heart beat of this Marathon carnival in which people from all the categories, age and sex participated and gave the message of enthusiasm, passion, patriotship, social equallity, and national integrity.
The zeal of elederly persons and physically challenged particiapnts were worth viewing, who wanted to prove that they are not less than common people.
Veteran Moroccan Marathon sprinter, former world record holder and brand ambassador of Delhi Half Marathon 2011 Khalid Khannouchi (40) was surprised by viewing the passion, enthusiasm and success of Delhi half Marathon 2011.
It seemed nice to see Sidhartha Mallya, the son of Business tycoon and Chairman of UBS group Vijay Mallya to run for Delhi in the shorter version. Sidhartha was indulged in various controversies since last few months.
The major attractions of Delhi half Marathon show include - a group of 40 rescued child labourers, corruption monster (a girl wearing a fancy dress of corruption monster who won the first prize in this category), Wheel Chair events (in which 43 participants including 8 women run for Delhi), Senior Citizen, cultural program and press conference of Shahrukh and Bipasha (after the events).
Read More: Raji | Moro | Shahrukh Khan | Bipasha Basu