Congress leader and former Chief minister of Gujarat Shankersinh Vaghela along with other congress leaders Tuesday morning broke their 74-hour fast who were on the counter fast since Saturday morning against Narendra Modi's 'Sadbhavna' fast, who broke his fast yesterevening.
Ended his fast by consuming lemon juice, Vaghela, said that they had highlighted how the Narendra Modi government has betrayed the trust of the people of Gujarat.
Explaining the aim about his fast Vaghela said that our fast was a protest against the corruption and maladministration of the Modi government and not a carnival for leaders.
Targeting to Modi's fast as a 'five-star' fast, Vaghela said, 'Modi has ruined the public money through his fast', as Modi's fast cost Rs.18-crore and several senior leaders and VIPs were present in his fast.
"We could also have invited our party national top brass", said Vaghela by adding that they had not asked the top brass to come here.
Besides Vaghela, Gujarat Congress president Arjun Modvadia and leader of opposition Shaktisinh Gohil, former state party chief Siddartha Patel and former deputy chief minister Narhari Amin were also on fast with Shanker Sinh.
They have declared that they would carry this message all over the state starting from Kutch Sep 29.
"We shall continue to work as a responsible opposition even as we endeavour to educate people on the misdeeds of the present government," Gohil said.
Shakar Sinh Vaghela along with other party leaders had sit on fast before the Sabarmati Ashram on the street demonstrating his protest against BJP leader and Chief Minister of State Narendra Modi.
The assembly election in the state is scheduled to December 2012.
Read More: Goh | Narha | Narendra Modi | BJP | Congress