The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has lauded the contributions of eminent personalities and groups towards “Swachhta Hi Seva”. The nation-wide sanitation campaign “Swachhta Hi Seva” started from 15th September and culminated yesterday, October 2, on Gandhi Jayanti, which is also celebrated as the Swachh Bharat Diwas.
In a series of tweets, the Prime Minister appreciated Sh Anupam Kher, Sh Mohanlal, Smt Chanda Kochhar, India Today Group, India TV News, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Indian Cricket Team, Sh Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Dettol India, NDTV, Reliance Foundation, Tata Trusts, Sh Akshay Kumar and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, for their support and efforts towards the Swachh Bharat Mission.
“Commendable gesture Anupam ji.
Excellent effort by noted actor @Mohanlal.
Important message by @CKforCleanIndia, who along with the @ICICIBank family has made vital contributions to Swachh Bharat Mission.
I laud the @IndiaToday family for the proactive steps to further awareness on Swachhata. Congrats to all #Safaigiri awardees.
Wonderful initiative by @indiatvnews. This will further spread the message of cleanliness across the nation.
I congratulate @SadhguruJV & the team of Isha Foundation for their exemplary effort to generate awareness on keeping our rivers clean.
Appreciable message by the Indian Cricket Team on making India Clean.
Good effort Rajeev ji.
I laud @DettolIndia & @ndtv for the initiative. This timeline has many inspiring efforts on cleanliness.
Laudable work by @ril_foundation across India towards a Swachh Bharat. Have a look at this timeline.
Congrats @tatatrusts! Their Prerak initiative of a young professional in each district to support SBM is praiseworthy.
Well written @akshaykumar. Appreciate your steadfast support to the Swachh Bharat Mission.
Excellent effort by you and the Art of Living family! Together 125 crore Indians will create a Clean India.", the Prime Minister tweeted.
Source: PIB