South Sensation Ram Charan just added another feather to his cap! He is all set to turn producer with his father Chiranjeevi's untitled project which is a remake of hit Tamil film 'Kathi'. The actor has started a new production house Konidela Production Company. The landmark film is being helmed by VV Vinayak and the music is rendered by Devi Sri Prasad. The film hit floors today 23rd June, 2016.
Marking the 150th film in the legendary Chiranjeevi's career, Ram is absolutely elated to be a part of his father's journey.
He always wanted to do something special for his father and what better way to express his affection than this!
Apart from being an absolute heart-throb down south, Ram Charan wanted to explore a new domain of film-making. His father has always supported him on all his ventures and this time it was no different.
This only goes on to show the loving bond shared by the father-son duo!
Here's wishing the actor all the best on this new endeavor!