Panasonic has just launched its new smartphone in India, which comes with triple LED flash and also sports 13 MP rear camera and a selfie camera of 5 MP with a single LED flash. While most of the smartphone have only dual LED flash this smartphone has an amazing feature of triple LED flash which will provide better light to camera.
It will be available at Rs 9,290, and at this price triple LED flash feature is amazing and unique among all Panasonic smartphones.
Panasonic India, has launched this smartphone for Indian customers as it is easily affordable 4 GB smartphone and the LED flash on front makes it more useful for selfie lovers.
Now, let’s take a look over its features and specifications.
Features and Specifications:-
It packs with a 5.3 inch IPS capacitive touchscreen with resolution of 720*1280 pixels.
It is powered by 1.25 GHz Quad-core processor and runs on OS Android, v6.0 (Marshmallow).
It comes with 2 GB RAM and 16 GB internal storage which is expandable up to 256 GB.
It sports 13 MP rear camera with triple LED flash and a selfie camera of 5 MP with single flash.
It has a Li-Ion 2600 mAh battery and has a wi-fi, bluetooth and 4G LTE connectivity. This smartphone supports with 4G on dual SIMs and it will be available in Gold, Charcoal and Grey colour in the Indian markets.
Panasonic P88 launched with triple flash and 4G LTE support