Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that relationship between India and Bhutan as "made for each other", and said India stands committed to Bhutan's happiness and progress.
He was delivering his speech during the banquet hosted by the Prime Minister of Bhutan, H.E. Tshering Tobgay. On the occasion, Modi further said this was his first visit to Bhutan, and the tremendous enthusiasm with which the people had greeted and welcomed him, right from the airport, and on the way to Thimphu, and throughout the day would remain etched in his memory forever.
Talking of the India-Bhutan relationship, Modi said that the two countries share not just land boundaries, but a common glorious cultural tradition. Our passports may have a different colour, but our values and thinking are the same. We may wear different clothes and speak different languages, but our feelings are one.
The Prime Minister said while the world talks of GDP, Bhutan talks of National Happiness. He said there could be many parameters to measure happiness, but he wished to suggest a new one – how is your neighbour. Among the many parameters on which Bhutan measures happiness, having a good friend like India should be one of them, Shri Modi said.
The Prime Minister also said the way Bhutan has progressed despite natural constraints is commendable. The Government may have changed in India, but we will continue to build on our shared cultural values and make our relationship stronger, he said. He said the relationship should develop in a multi-faceted way, beyond just financial consideration.
Shri Modi raised a toast to the long life of the royal family, the well-being and prosperity of the people of Bhutan, and the everlasting friendship between India and Bhutan.(Source PIB)