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How to Make Your Career Shine

New Delhi, Wed, 21 Aug 2013 NI Wire

A bright career, so to speak is a common epithet used for the dream of everyone in relation to his professional life but as easily as it is referred in everyday conversation in reality it offers far greater array of challenges. While to make your career shine studded with professional success of better earning and recognition most general advice would be completing your education with great scorecard, often even top scorers fail to justify their level of competence and talent in the professional job field. On the other hand there are countless real life instances where even people with no such academic record of excellence could achieve unmatched professional success faster than many people think simply because of their zeal to rise to the top in spite of all shortcomings and an attitude to life that is only common to successful people who started from scratch. So to make your career shine besides all those over emphasized requirements like educational excellence, training, counseling, etc what is most required is your attitude to life and not surprisingly, that is the only thing that is not taught by anyone. Let us have a look at some of the most prominent factors for a shining career.

Self assessment

This is the first building block for any successful career to reckon with. Without self assessment we cannot get to pull out a big stone bolder even from the street, let alone mastering the competitive mouse race of career. It is a process that should start very early in your career, as long as you get to know your natural areas of competence and liking. Everyone has some amount of natural competence among the thousands of fields of knowledge, craftsmanship, technical work or simply communication. Those early signs of your leadership quality or communication skill or natural inclination to garden care or pets can further be nurtured into specific areas of choice within the gross field of choice. You can easily explain, connect others and handle others with easy command and have a fair understanding level and so you are a good candidate for a number of professions including teaching, but then it is up to you to zero in your choice in the subject or stream of your preference.

Eyeing the opportunity

To make your career shine as nobody thought of you need also a strong sense of forthcoming or a strong eye for the opportunity unfolding among the clamor of other things. It is this important ability that make few men take the lead and all of a sudden get to the top while many competent ones simply continue to regret their decision or of not being alert to the situation. There are also a creative bunch of men who even do not wait for the whole opportunity to unfold before them, they simply create the opportunity with the little presentiment or scope that they envisage from the emerging situations. They are even fewer among the successful people, they are leaders.

Being open to change

Just look at the past 100 years in contrast to the rest of the millennia preceding it and you will know how fast, big, accelerating and in-depth can change be and how it becomes decisive in our life. Being open to change is not just an epithet that can be appropriate in respect of broader concepts of reality, but it is equally important for every small delicate aspects of our everyday life including professional space. You may have thought of engaging yourself in pure biotech research for long years but suddenly the huge mindboggling opportunities opened in the healthcare sector, especially for the biotech researchers and thus you slightly shifted your original vocation from biotech research to biomedical research and that is what we call as being open to change for a brighter career.

Taking nothing for granted

Nothing is as unified, harmonious and sure in reality as it seems and countless times it has been proved for better or for worse that nothing and nobody can be taken for granted and when you do take things for granted you make yourself vulnerable to unknown danger and fall. You took the growth of your sector as granted and suddenly a global crash shook your entire sector almost to rubble and then it became almost an imperative to start again from scratch. Even many successful professionals and business leaders suffered from taking things granted as they are and take a lesson from them as you take the next stride into your career.

Harnessing your zeal for the next mile ahead

Normally people call it focus but we would better like to explain what focus means in our own terms but nevertheless it is irreplaceable quality to make your career shine. While you set the career goal and know the milestones ahead what is most important is to take every single mile in your journey under your scanner of alertness so that you do not have to hit a ditch or crash on a speed breaker when you are driving at full speed.

Learning to pay very dearly

Many people crave for success yet never make up their mind to pay the price for their success very dearly. To land up on your dream career maybe you have to sacrifice many occasions of fun and frolic, maybe you have to compromise living in a very inconvenient manner for some years or maybe you have to take certain hardships of life in place of luxury and comfort that others are enjoying, but that should be taken as the price of the success, nothing less.

Harnessing ability to connect minds

After all those abilities, hardships, focus and persistence if you just cannot be cozy enough with your surroundings, if you cannot connect their hearts and minds with simple easy to touch expression and behavioral attributes, all may be just a waste of talent and energy. Nothing matters in success than positive energy born from the bondage and connection of several minds and to make your career shine that is the elemental aspect to get conversed with.

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