Bollywood super star Dilip Kumar is celebrating his 91st birthday today. The veteran actor who changed the Hindi cinema forever and established the new trend of movie, which provide him the new name of “tragedy king.” The King of Hindi cinema made his debut in 1944 with the movie Jwar Bhata. The veteran actor also gives classic performances in films like Andaz (1949), Aan (1952), Devdas (1955), Azaad (1955) and the epic film Mughal-e-Azam (1960).
Over a period of time, he became a legend of his era. So popular was Dilip Kumar that every aspiring actor wanted to be like him and many till date, ape his style of acting. Recipient of many prestigious awards including the Padma Bhushan, Dilip Kumar was also the highest paid Hindi actor in the 50's and early 60's. He is reported to hold a Guinness World Record for winning the maximum number of awards by an Indian actor. A super star had certainly arrived.
Although a name like Dilip Kumar will always remain in the annals of history, he was beaten to his popularity by a new brigade of young actors who had taken over Hindi cinema. In 1966, a man named Rajesh Khanna (born as Jatin Khanna) made his debut with the film Aakhri Khat. Rajesh Khanna had won the All India Talent Contest organized by United Producers and Film fare the year earlier and caught the fancy of many film makers. He went on to act in films like Aradhana, the Train, Kati Patang, Daag: A Poem of Love and many more successful films. And it seemed as if Rajesh Khanna had become a sensation overnight.
He has to struggled and face challenge with Rajesh Khanna, the first super star of Bollywood and then Amitabh Bachchan, the angry young man of the industry. Although despite the establishment of both the stars in Bollywood, the craze of Dilip Kumar never ended in Bollywood and he remained to play the role of father or character role in industry.
The mega movie by Ramesh Shippy namely Shakti, in which he played role of Amitabh Bachchan was another his milestone movie which was enough to describe his ability and acting.
This is a big question as all cine lovers have been mesmerized by these all three big stalwarts during their peak period. Dilip Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan both had an opportunity to face each other in “Shakti” film, but Rajesh Khanna never acted with king of tragedy . He is no more with us now but the characters he portrayed in films like Baawarchi are still remembered by his fans. As such, it is very difficult to rate one amongst these three as the biggest super star.
However, if we review the entire performance and public opinion, we are sure; maximum will select Dilip Kumar as the biggest super star of Indian film industry. The thespian will be celebrating his 91st birthday this December. He is not only keeping well but facing property issues also, and that too in evening hours of his life. May Almighty give him healthy and long life?
Wishing a happy birthday to the Dilip Kumar.